The simplicity of blogger is more up my alley. Okay, so I can't do all of those cool tricks that the mac's program can do. So? The only thing I need to do is quickly and continually post to keep my millions of readers happy. Thanks for hangin' in there, millions of readers.
Here's some new stuff.
#1: I'm homeschooling. Don't flip out, I'm not going to grow my hair into long braids and wear puffy sleeved pastel dresses with square lace collars and black boots. I found out about classical education and I am in love. Bottom line: I don't think that everyone has to learn everything all the time. Required curriculum just makes kids hate learning. I'm going to be very active in my kids' education and emphasize their strengths.

#2: We went on a kick butt Caribbean cruise. More on that in a future post. Think "Wicked Awesome Movie of Caribbean".

#3: I lost a niece to Texas, but gained a nephew, so my baby appetite is somewhat quelled.
Halen Reed, how I loveth thee.
Never much liked the "one size fits all" method of schooling myself. Good luck with your home school! Just make sure they get socialized, too. And I don't mean make them into socialists!
Welcome back to blogger. It's "simply the best. better than all the rest. better than anyone . . . "
Oh, and I wonder who took that awesome picture in the Carribbean?
And, can you homeschool my kids too. I barely have time to go pee. Where do you find time to HS?
Did you even check out the link, Amber? It's not about sitting down and doing school work. It's more about helping the child become inquisitive and willing to learn. Liv reads on her own for at least an hour a day. Every opportunity is for learning! Also, Pappy, she's going to start ballet soon, which she was too busy for in regular school.
What's wrong with black boots?
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