
Up Close and Personal

"Ugh. I do not like long labors," I said to my midwife, and she laughed right at my face! Apparently an hour and thirty five minutes isn't long. Well, it is for me, and I didn't like it.

Dylan woke up the kids and brought them in at about 1:30 am. Gage sleeps like the dead, and waking him is a special challenge. When he was going to bed he reminded us to "shake me really hard" if Lucy came. So he staggered in, rubbed his half closed eyes, gave a little smile and nod, turned around, and headed right back to bed.

Liv and Nash stayed up until four, holding her, giggling, having a party time. Nash held my hand and stroked my hair and gave me lots of kisses. He sat next to my head and very quietly sang "I Am A Child of God" and whispered a story about a dog named Thor and a chicken named Chickadee. The room was completely silent except for his tiny singing, and it was absolutely beautiful.

The very first thing Gage said the next morning was, "I want to see her feet." That's the very first thing he said when Nash was born, too! Why do we love such funny little alligator feet so much?


Janell R. Cropper said...

She is perfect and beautiful, just like you knew she would be :)

smiliesar said...

How sweet about Nash! What a great husband he will make one day. You are lucky to only have 1.5 hour labor! Mine was 24 hours and that was HARD.

The Woolner Family said...

I love her, I want to hold her. She has huggable monkey hair.

Carrie said...

Those pictures are so beautiful! I love new newborn feet! I told my family you had your baby and they all just swoon over her name.

Nash- could you be any sweeter? Let's see, adorable face, check. Sweet spontaneous singing, check. Random kissing and sweet storytelling? Over the top!

Sienna said...

Soooo super sweet. We love you, baby Lucy!

Miranda W. said...

I want to meet her! I'm pretty sure that's the first thing Gage said when he met Allie too.

A. Simpson said...

Aww, sweet lil' baby.

Anonymous said...

Oh, she is so beautful!! I can't wait to come and see her! We love you all. -Lou

Papi and Wee Granny said...

Suh-weet! Way to go, Leah.

Dylan, how did you get an Amazon woman to marry you?

Cathy M.

Amy Smith said...

She is absolutely beautiful! Congratulations

Dylan said...

Papi and Wee Granny, I tricked Leah into marrying me by washing my car with my shirt off. That's truth!

Julia said...

Leah, I agree with you. Anything over 30 minutes of labor is too long to be in labor. One of mine was only 2 hours. It was much nicer than the other two, but definitely still too long.