Somewhere in the valley the forests were ablaze. It made for some awful breathing, but amazing sunsets.

When we returned, it was off to the canyon for the glorious Parade of Colors. We were in awe as the beautiful trees whizzed past the windows.

Dylan decided to park in an empty campground to walk around for a bit. After a couple of minutes, the campground host drove over and informed us that there is a fee. We told him we weren't staying, just stretching our legs a bit.

He said (rather threateningly, in my opinion), "If you're here more'n 30 minutes, you gotta pay. And you're in a double space, so you'll pay double." I thought it was funny because there was not another human in the entire campsite. Completely vacant! It's not like we were imposing. So we just kept on walking around, and after 20 more minutes he came back, and started "casually" cleaning out the fire pit. "I think that's a hint," said Dylan, so off we went.

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