
The Tricks of Six

Gage turned six, but had to have his birthday postponed a week since his sister decided to be two weeks late. Gage declared it was because she wanted to be his birthday present, and he's okay with that.

There was not question that this would be a baseball party. I invited 6 friends, but only 3 came. At first I was disappointed, but after trying to keep track of just the 4 of them, I wasglad it was just the 4 of them. We started off having every kind of ball park junk food: hot dogs, chips, ice cream cones, cake, and candy. Good thing we ate at home, because we would be broke if we bought it all at the park!

As soon as they saw Hootz, they ran after him in a frenzy. As soon as the giant mascot turned around, Nash cowered behind my legs and refused to give him a high five. Olivia got a fly ball and had him sign it, and it has been her treasured possession of the week.
Oh, yeah, he's getting even more super lashes. Someone call Guiness!
And here are a few of the funny things Gage has said recently:

February 2010
Gage has been trying, rather unsuccessfully, to jump rope. He finally did a good jump, and probably could've done another if he hadn't stopped in excitement to say, "I did one in a row!"

Thursday, March 25th 2010
Today Gage asked me if he used to write notes to me when he was in my belly. What?

Tuesday, April 6 2010
Gage was wearing Liv's short, black, velvet bolero jacket with nothing underneath. I asked him why. "I know it's kinda like a girl, but it still shows off my muscles." Perfect explanation.

Wednesday, April 14 2010
Gammy was showing Gage her porcelain dolls and said, "This one is Little Miss Muffett. Do you know that poem?" Gage replied, "Yeah. Little Miss Muffett walked by a buffet."

That night, while he was sleeping, he mumbled, "Ugh, a water balloon fight. uuhhhhh."

Sunday Afternoon: 4/25/10
Gage is playing with a motorcycle and a small stuffed chicken. Here's the dialog:
Chicken: "Shut your mouth."
Gage: "Shut your beak."

Saturday, May 22nd, 2010
Liv got baptized and got a big party. Gage has been having major "younger sibling-itis". He wants a party and he wants presents and he wants baptized and he wants all the attention, too. In frustration he said, "How old do I have to be before I can turn eight!?!"

Friday, July 9th, 2010
I walked into the kitchen, when suddenly Gage burst out from behind the counter, with props, and sang, "Would you like to have a cookie? Would you like a pair of shoes?" Then Olivia popped out from the dining room with her props and sang, "Would you like a walkie talkie? You can hear the newsie news!"

Sunday, July 25th, 2010
Gage wrote me a note in church. It said, "When I grow up, I will be a grown up."


The Woolner Family said...

Love that boy and his super lashes. I also want to squeeze and hug that baby--that hair is so hugamonkey.

A. Simpson said...

Whoa on the lashes! Love that rhyming song! Hootz face-SUPERFREAKY!

Julia said...

I love your "funny things they said" log. And congrats on little Lucy! I LOVE that name. I wanted to use it for one of our girls but Kaleb wouldn't let me. Until now I didn't even know you had been expecting. Our family grapevine is not very good. Of course, if I read the family newsletter faithfully I might learn something new...