
Reason I Love Dylan #3,348

For Lucy's blessing luncheon we made the most amazing stew, involving garden fresh ingredients like potatoes, carrots, onions, zucchini, rosemary, some local beef, and fresh local peaches. What? Peaches in stew? Darn tootin'! It's delectable. Crap, I just drooled on my keyboard.

Anyway, the reason I love Dylan is because prior to the stew cooking event, he sorted the peaches. He doesn't just sort peaches like any old doofus. No, this is a process.

Step one: line the peaches up carefully (aligning any of my haphazardly placed peaches)
Step two: feel, smell, and visually inspect each and every peach
Step three: sort peaches into 4 places - ripe now, ripe in 3-5 days, compost pile, and "so good it must be eaten this minute".

We ate a lot of peaches this night.


Higgtastic said...

What? That's amazing. Nice job Dyl!

Natalie Jane said...

James had that same uncanny ability to pick peaches. I'm blind when it comes to getting a good peach, but James would sniff all of them and pick out the best ones. Must be a man thing.