
Thanks! Give it up!

15 kids in sleeping bags in the attic room. Getting my bangs ratted. Swimming. Gorging. Wood carving. Arm wrestling.

Those are the Thanksgiving memories of my youth. A hundred people packed into my Uncle Robert's house, staying up all night laughing and eating til we'd burst. As we all go older, we went our separate ways, and I genuinely missed it. This year, Robert said, "C'mon down", so we made the trek down to La Verkin, Utah. (No, I didn't make that name up).
Most of my Grandma's approx. 120 descendants were there, and it was a wild and crazy 4 days.

Dylan and 2 of my brothers schooled the young boys at basketball.

But when the young'ns were out of earshot, those old men were complaining about their knees and looking to take a nap.

The cousins ran amok in the hotel, jumping on beds, swimming, singing songs, giggling, using super powers.

I baked 9 pies, but that was merely an appetizer for the mass amounts of candy.
Curtis displays the traditional Mormon Jell-O Salad. I have a special place in my funny bone for things labeled "salad". Ask my sis-in-law Cindy for her Cookie Salad recipe.

What a great weekend! And a special thanks goes out to Katie for coming up with super heroes like "Night Magic Man".


Carrie said...

That's fun! I'd like to know about what percentage Nash is wearing his Batman outfit during the week. Hilarious.

Anonymous said...

You missed the battle of the 1000 bean bags in the lobby where every kid there was attacking Jason. I wonder how many bruses came from this reunion? It was a blast! Thanks for coming - Mom

The Woolner Family said...

La Verkin. It's like they tried to disguise the most Hillbilly name by adding a sophisticated French "la" in front of it. Boise, is in fact, the opposite of La Verkin. It started out sophisticated and French (LaBoise = City of trees) and then they Hillbillied it up to BoySee. Oh sad.

Leah said...

Carrie, if it's not the Batman jammies, it's the Superman one, and the two of them have a grip 80% of the time. Church is about the only enforced "real clothes" time, and he's just fine with that.

I didn't get any pictures of the great bean bag fight because I was too busy being pelted in the bum and trying to retaliate. It was epic.

Miranda W. said...

I am so sad I couldn't make it.