

We had a little get together for my birthday. No one can be quite sure of how many pieces of taffy Gage ate, but rest assured, it was a lot. At 2 am I heard, "Mom, I fwowed up." Surprise! It was my second best birthday present ever.

The first best came a couple of days later. I sat sewing, when suddenly my handsome husband and best friend (guitar in hand) entered. He sat me on the couch and serenaded me with "All My Lovin" by The Beatles with all his heart. It made me cry! I knew he had worked very hard and sang very well. I might cry again.

So I thought I would share with you, lucky reader, a few things about me, since I'm sure you wonder about me most of the day.

I didn't wear sandals for a long time because I was self conscious of my freakishly long second toe. I love soup. Love it! Everything from a hearty minestrone to a smooth butternut squash. Mmmm... I'm a picker, a squeezer, a popper. I am obsessed with my eyebrows. I analyze, pluck, trim, fill, and inspect nearly every day.
Dylan and I did some modeling for a newspaper. When I was little I mixed Tobasco sauce into a jar of Vaseline to see what it would do. It didn't do anything, and I blamed my little brother. I cannot cook without getting flour all over myself. I hate shopping - food, clothes, household items, you name it. I hate it. But I like getting new stuff. Weird. I hate Monopoly. Worst game ever. I love telling stories. I love acting. If my hair grew faster, I'd cut it in mentally insane ways every other month. I'm not a big pet person. I'm good with the Beta fish, LaCondie. I haven't been to a doctor in years, perhaps even a whole decade. I like my figure. But I've had a hard time getting rid of this baby belly from numero 3. My nails grow super fast. I'm a very, very good back tickler. I'm forgetful and frazzled. I exaggerate.

I didn't swim for 8 years due to a fear of water. Dylan is the first person I went swimming with after that 8 year stint. I wish I had more occassions to wear ball gowns. I hate TV. More specifically, I can't stand commercials/commercialism. I listen to Tom Jones, Stevie Wonder, Bon Jovi. And I'm not ashamed of that. I get on soap boxes a lot (especially when it comes to childbirth - so watch out). I like being pregnant. I love house plants. I love seeing my garden grow, but don't neccessarily like gardening. I sleep with my feet hanging off the end of the bed. I can be loud and outspoken and not easily embarrassed, but I don't like confrontation. I have a deep fear of going schizo (in my family) and getting Alzheimer's. I climb trees. I love being a mom, and I'm pretty dang good at it. I have a tendency to bottle things up. I like sitting around on the couch or laying around on the bed with my family doing nothing but enjoying the company. My teeth are getting more crooked. I'm 27 years old. And I am still awesome. Seriously.

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Greg D said...

Best post ever. And I completely agree with the last item. (I would have numbered it, but I'm too lazy.)

Toast Habit said...

I already knew, like, 99.25% of those things because we share about 12.5% of the same genes that communicate silently to each other. Stop touching your eyebrows. I sense you are over-plucking. Happy Birthday.

Higgtastic said...

This post made me laugh. Thanks for sharing. I just have a few more to add that I think you may have missed:

You are the best sister-in-law ever.
You are very creative.
You are independent.
You can make anything out of everything
You are quick witted and smart
You have the best natural hair color
You are strong in every way.
You love serving and playing.
You are beautiful

... I could on and on. I'll just email you the rest. Keep up the good work.. and happy late birthday.

Anonymous said...

Guess what Girl....There is NO way of getting away from the Schizo. It is so in all of the women of our family and YOU are NOT going to be excluded from any of it. If I have to go through it...SO DO YOU!!!! Welcome to the schizo family reunion...meet you at the Alzheimer ward. Your favorite Aunt Anna!

The Woolner Family said...

Happy Happy Birthday. You forgot to mention you're an avid fan of "greatest performance by breastuses" in period films.

Anonymous said...

you forgot to put that you love to sing and have perfect pitch and that your mother is very glad she had you. - granny g

Anonymous said...

I will take the blame for the freakishly long toe, but I love the water!

Heather Mowrer said...

I'm right there with ya on ball gowns, commercials, and the garden. Probably some other things too, but those are the ones I remember now that I have changed windows. Your lists are great. And prolific. Which is great . . .