

You know you are truly a grown up when the carnival no longer brings butterflies of excitement, but worms of disgust.

But the kids had a grand time, and so did all the people fortunate enough to witness the overjoyed waves and giggles from Nash as he rode boats, motorcycles, cars, and trains in unending circles. There was, without exaggeration, a 55 minute wait for the ferris wheel. Sheesh. And my favorite -the swings- was broken. Sad. The money for those rides went towards a bag of cotton candy, which shouldn't be as satisfying as it is, knowing you've just paid $3 for about 4 tablespoons of colored sugar. But it's so magically melty!

Liv rode the carousel side saddle, with legs crossed, as a proper lady should.

Gage broke out every death defying stunt he could muster.

Nash was insistent upon riding the chicken.


Toast Habit said...

This is quite possibly the first documentation that I have seen of Liv wearing pants. I mean like not a skirt. That sounds really bad. I am not the creepy cousin once removed. I should stop typing.

La Familia Higgy said...

Believe it or not, she has two, count 'em TWO pairs of "not skirts" that she occasionally wears. Both are flowy and soft and stretcy. Startlingly similar to a skirt.