
Really? In Nephi?

My Grandma Jake's 80th birthday was held in Nephi. If any of my relatives have pictures of my kids going down the giant blow-up slide, or of me doing flips off it, please email them to me. Granny G is awesome for renting it, and I looked waaaay better going down than the dude in this stock photo:

Who knew that Nephi had a cool old mill and a memorial rose garden? What a perfectly perfect spot for a Sunday stroll.

If you've never driven the Nebo Loop behind Mt. Nebo, you are missing out. We saw deer, an eagle, all kinds of scurrying things, and two wild turkeys with 7 turklets. Every turn brought new, amazing scenery. It's an hour detour well worth your time.

1 comment:

Melissa said...

Yah, you can never get enough Sandy, that dumb dog that follows Annie