
Hard Knock Life

The annual Tuacahn pilgrimage took us to "Annie" this year. It was okay. In the words of Gage, "I'm getting bored of this. I'm getting bored of not seeing that dog." Sandy was only on stage for about 2 minutes. It was a hard knock.The show was postponed for rain for 20 minutes. We thought, "Oh, good. Rain will cool St. George down a bit." Wrong. Now instead of being hot, we were hot and wet. Good thing it's beautiful enough down there to make up for it.

We got to stay the night at Dylan's cousin's house. They have a gecko.

And this is their back yard. Not too shabby.


Melissa said...

Give JoJo, that male talking baby a squeeze from me.

Heather Mowrer said...

"Annie" is the first play I ever auditioned for. Did not make it. Thanks for dredging up those painful feelings you insensitive jerk.