Start your engines! Nash and his 3 little friends went nuts for the car race around the back yard, and we had only a few minor injuries.
Only one popsicle met its fate.

And the favorite activity was spreading chocolate cake all over the patio.
Nash is our photogenic, "I know I'm adorable, so just give me what I want" little buddy. He's a tease and a tender heart.
Here are some of the funny things he's said this year:
While looking at a picture of himself, I asked Nash, “Who’s that?” to which he replied, “Pete”.
Monday, October 26th 2009
Nash got into my makeup and came to show me. With obvious delight he said, “Mom! Eyes!” I gave him a look a disappointment (he knows my makeup is off limits). He shrank back and very quietly said, “Ta da.”
Nash’s Pronunciations: Ma’man/Matman (Batman), boggage (garbage), Ikench (kitchen), Gwain-gwee (blankie), Gwunkwa (grandpa)
Sunday, November 1
Nash: Dad, whas dat?
Dad: That’s my belly button.
Nash: Oh, belly’s Batman.
Saturday, January 16th 2010 - Instead of F’s, Nash places S’s. So instead of fun he says sun, etc. Tonight in the prayer he said, “Sank you sor a sood.” Thank you for the food. And he always wants to "seed the sish" - feed the fish.
Nash constantly interchanges the words “chicken” and “kitchen”. I’ll say “Go throw this away in the kitchen,” and he’ll repeat “Fwow away in da chicken. Okay.”
Wednesday, Jan 27th 2010 - From Olivia: “Mom, I think I know why God sent Nash to us. So that in case we ever have a sad moment, Nash could cheer us up and make us laugh or smile.”
He calls Uncle Cabe "Nuckle Cabe"
Tuesday, April 6 2010 - Nash has been naked all day. I finally wrangled some undies on him tonight. As I was making dinner, I sang, "1,2,3,4, Nash is knocking on the door. 5,6,7,8, Let him in so he's not late. 9,10,11,12...." I paused to think of a rhyme for 12, when Nash sang, "And I not naked!"
Saturday, May 22nd, 2010 - Today Nash was lovingly brushing my hair with a Barbie brush. He occasionally gave me little kisses and was being so tender. Upon finishing, he stepped back and said, "There. You look like a rooster."
Sunday, June 20, 2010 - The bishop announced that we would be singing the National Anthem for the closing song in Sacrament meeting. Nash looked up with wide eyes, and throughout the whole song declared, "He said Nash! We singing to Nash!"
Friday, July 26, 2010 - Nash just barged into my bedroom and declared, "E'scuse me! That dinner is yucky!"
Tuesday, August 24 2010 - Nash came into my bedroom while I was laying on the bed with Lucy and asked "Who's that?" to which he quickly added, "Oh yeah, baby Woosey."
That's great. You always remind me that doing simple things (like letting kids run around in cardboard boxes) is just as good or better than all the complex mayhem we try to do with kid parties. His b day cake looks like so much fun! I bet you had frosting all over that belly.
Nash is such a sweety and I loved reading his funny sayings. By the way, rooster hair it totally in!
Olivia said it like it is. That kid makes my day! He was born to bring more joy and laughter here. I know it because God gave him such a big joker smile. I love you Nasher! Happy Birthday!
What a fun kiddo! Of course, having two fun, goofy parents probably helps!
When Andrew was little his pronunciations were very onomatopoeiac. A helicopter was a thipper--thipthipthipthipthip, a weeble bop bag was a humbibble, the noise it made as it hit the floor and bounced back. Katie was hard to understand, and started speech therapy in k-garten. She juxtaposed syllables--ice cream was keen-kine, and the usual 'w' in place of 'r'. When Laura was 3 and Katie 5, she would listen to her sister's speech homework, then correct her later in the day. "No, Katie, not wock, rrrrrock. RRRRRabbit.
Good times.
Cathy M.
So cute and funny. Thanks.
These stories are too hilarious! I luff 'em!
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